Moores Mill

Fire Rescue
Need a copy of a Incident Report?
If a Incident Report is needed for Insurance purposes or Personal record keeping, fill out the form on the Contact Us page.
Only the Chief/Deputy Chief will authorize the release of a Incident Report.
Copies of Incident Reports are $10 each. Cash, Check, or PayPal is accepted.
Can our school class visit a fire station?
We love to have visitors and show them around. Please call 256-859-6305 or PIO Ed Becher (269) 221-2221 to schedule a class visit to one of our fire stations.
Can I get a firefighter to speak at our event?
Yes we love to speak at club meetings and other functions. Please follow the link to start the easy process of requesting a speaker. https://forms.gle/6TVCRtzGk1X61oZV9
Do firefighters save animals stuck in trees or confined spaces?
Moores Mill Fire Rescue will send an experienced Fire Officer to evaluate the situation and offer help if it is safe to do so. Generally we recommend contacting your veterinarian and if necessary a licensed arborist to climb the tree.
The Fire Department helped me out recently can I thank the firefighters?
We appreciate your cards and letters. We place them on our bulletin boards for all to see. You may send them to:
Moores Mill Vol. Fire Rescue
ATT: Chief Payton Daily
7416 Moores Mill Rd
Huntsville, AL 35811